校内的 & 俱乐部体育



Participation is restricted to active 国外博彩app Students, 教师 and 工作人员. Participants must bring their SU issued ID Card to all games. All participants must be on the 团队 roster in order to play.

在整个活动范围内都要穿覆盖乳头的衬衫和带脚趾的运动鞋. No jewelry is allowed to protect all participants from injury. 允许佩戴任何医学或宗教奖章:宗教奖章必须用胶带粘在制服下面. A medical alert medal must also be taped but can be visible.

Playing schedules will be set prior to the start of all leagues/tournaments. If participants need to reschedule, they can request a change of schedule by emailing the 竞技体育职员 with a minimum of 72 hours notice. Please note we cannot guarantee a schedule change.

默认值: Prior communication to 竞技体育职员 that the 团队/player will not attend a game.

丧失: Failure to attend a game with no prior communication to the 竞技体育 工作人员

参赛者必须在比赛开始前至少24小时通知竞技体育职员. 未能在没有通知的情况下进行游戏将导致您的团队收到20美元的罚没费.每场00. 未能在赛季结束前支付这笔费用将取消您的球队参加季后赛的资格.


校内体育活动是UREC为在校学生提供的一个机会, 教师和工作人员参加有组织的娱乐运动在一个有趣的,但有些竞争的环境. 每个季度我们提供几个不同的联赛和锦标赛的选择,所以每个人都可以找到一个他们感兴趣的运动参与.  

What is the difference between a league, series and tournament?

联盟每支球队将在常规赛期间(通常为3-5周)每周固定的工作日进行一场比赛。. 然后球队可以选择结束他们的赛季或参加季后赛. 淘汰赛可能需要每支球队一周打一次以上,甚至每晚打一次,并且可能在常规赛时间表以外的晚上举行. All intramural sports games typically last one hour or less.

比赛: Teams will play several games over a period of 1-3 days. 每场比赛将包括至少一场台球比赛和每队一场锦标赛. Teams will need to be available for the entirety of the tournament in order to participate

系列: 系列赛是一项锦标赛,分为三个固定的工作日,以便于安排时间. 就像比赛, series will include pool play and at least one additional tournament game for each 团队. Series will span three weeks, with a champion being names at the end of the third week.

Is there a fee to play 校内的 Sports?


How do I sign up a 团队 to play 校内的 Sports?

在IMleagues网站上可以找到所有校内体育联盟和锦标赛的注册. 要访问此网站,请访问 http://urec.uupt.net/IMLeague and login with your 国外博彩app username and password. Then click the link to the IMleagues page. 如果您过去已经注册了IMleagues,您将能够注册任何当前的运动. If you have never registered for IMleagues you will be prompted to create a profile. Once that is completed you will then be able to sign up for any current sports.

Most 校内的 Sports sign-ups are done on a 团队 basis, so you will need to make sure you have friends who are interested in playing with you. 每个球队都需要最少数量的球员,可以通过点击联赛名称和阅读描述找到. 如果你没有足够的球员组成一个团队,请参阅常见问题解答“如果我没有团队,我如何参与”。.


  1. 对于所有联盟,你将被要求通过一个国外博彩app校内体育政策和程序的测验,以及你所报名参加的运动的基本规则. 你可以通过阅读校内体育手册和特定运动的规则轻松找到这些答案. Both of these can be found on IMleagues under handbooks and manuals.
  2. TEAM NAMES MUST BE APPOPRIATE – inappropriate 团队 names will be changed
  3. Invite 团队mates to join the 团队 by clicking “Invite Members” on the 团队 page

How do I participate if I don't have a 团队?

You are what we call a “free agent”. 要加入一支球队,你可以在IMleagues上把自己列为自由球员,并尝试被一支想要增加球员的球队选中. 你也可以在第一周去游戏网站询问团队是否需要额外的玩家.


An individual may play on one co-rec 团队 and one non co-rec 团队 (i.e. Open, Men’s , Women’s) for each sport. Once you have played for a 团队 you cannot switch to a different 团队.

When and where do games take place?


之旅nament game times vary but generally are scheduled between 7pm-11pm on Mondays-Thursdays, 周五下午3点到9点, 周六早上9点到下午5点, 或周日上午9点至晚上11点. Specific times for each tournament can be found before signing up to participate

Games played outdoors will be located at SU Park (12th 室内比赛将在艾希明格健身中心/红鹰中心(55014)举行th 大街)

What divisions are offered for 校内的 Sports?

Four different divisions are offered for 校内的 Sports (Open, Co-Rec, Men’s and Women’s). Participants may compete as whichever gender they identify with. 参与应该基于一个人自我认同的性别,并且是真诚的,与玩家表达的性别认同是一致的. 如果参赛者不认同二元性别,他们将不被要求选择一个参加比赛.

开放: Allows all participants to compete against each other. There are no gender restrictions, all participants are eligible.

Co-Rec: Allows male-identified and female-identified participants to compete on the same 团队. 所有参与者都有资格,但每支队伍必须有最少数量的参与者认同二元性别.

男: Allows participants who identify as males to compete against each other. All participants who identify as male are eligible.

女性: Allows participants who identify as females to compete against each other. All participants who identify as female are eligible.

Where can I find the rules for each sport?

Rules for each of the current sport offerings will be posted to IMleagues under “Handbooks”. 强烈建议每个队员,特别是队长在参加比赛前对规则有一个大致的了解.


What is the difference between 校内的 Sports and 国外博彩app俱乐部?

校内运动是娱乐性质的,不需要参与者投入大量时间. They are free to participate in and require no travel or practices. Teams compete against other 校内的 Sports 团队s from 国外博彩app

体育俱乐部是由学生领导的组织,旨在与地区和全国的其他大学俱乐部团队竞争. Most 国外博彩app俱乐部 practice 2-3 times a week year-round and travel on a regular basis. They are funded by UREC and through member dues and fundraising.

Students are allowed to participate in both 校内的 Sports and 国外博彩app俱乐部. 然而, 对于希望参加与其体育俱乐部相似的校内体育项目的体育俱乐部成员,有名册限制.e baseball club 团队 and an intramural sports softball tournament). See sport specific rules for more details.

How do I become and 校内的 Sports Official or 竞技体育 Manager?

Student officials are hired at the start of each quarter (Fall-Spring) for 校内的 Sports. 官员必须参加他们感兴趣的每项运动的培训,并通过规则测试和评估才能被雇用. 这是鼓励的,但不是要求官员在该季度提供所有体育项目.

竞技体育 Managers are hired internally on an annual basis. 通常, 在校内体育工作至少一年的学生官员有资格申请该职位.





国外博彩app娱乐体育俱乐部项目为国外博彩app社区提供了参与和竞争各种娱乐活动的机会,作为增强他们大学体验的一种手段. 国外博彩app俱乐部 provide a transformational experience through physical, 社会, 以及领导力发展. 

UREC offers a number of sport clubs for students. Clubs typically practice year-round and travel periodically throughout the academic year. 

Want to create a Sport Club that we don’t currently offer? 联系 UREC@uupt.net 有关如何使用的更多信息.



